This is because our emotions are more powerful than our logic. In a battle between our minds and our emotions, guess who's going to win? You've probably experienced this in your own life. Have you ever been presented with a great opportunity and logically concluded that you should take advantage of it? If you did then great, but if not - what stopped you; was it fear?Coping with the fear factorFear comes in all shapes and sizes. For example, fear of failure creates doubt and anxiety, which can prevent us from taking action. Even if we are 97% sure that something will work out favorably, that 3% fear factor can still stop us in our tracks.Then there's fear of ridicule, or fear of displeasing someone whose approval is important to us.Emotionally, approval represents pleasure and it's something we all crave.
On the other hand, ridicule and disapproval represent pain, and the strongest human tendency is to move away from pain.
So even when our mind is 97% sure that acting on an opportunity will result in pleasure, the 3% possibility of pain can be very persuasive. This is especially true under challenging circumstances. For example: take the current economic squeeze. Are you feeling apprehensive about your financial future?
When things are going well and our life feels stable and under control, it's much easier to muster up the confidence to try something new. But that's not the case right now, is it?
The negative impact of economic uncertaintyThe current economic situation is chipping away at people's sense of stability and security. Things that they felt they could count on, such as jobs and investments, are suddenly gone. This can create a massive sense of fear and insecurity. When you're unsure of the things that you thought you could count on, how are you supposed to feel confident about trying something new?Many times it's our perception of circumstance that will determine how they affect us emotionally. Is the glass half full or half empty?
Has the economy just dealt us a fatal blow, or has it opened up a new opportunity? It's all about perception.
It's much easier to maintain an optimistic point of view when we've got all of our bases covered, or at least most of them. It's difficult though, to adjust to challenges when they come suddenly and unexpectedly. When you've invested years in a company, a business or a financial plan, the tendency to adopt a negative viewpoint can be very strong when theseassets are threatened.
How Advanced Life Skills can help
Learning how to control our own perception of the events and circumstances going on around us is a very empowering life skill. Most of us have never been trained to exercise this type of control. Consequently, the whole concept can seem extremely challenging, even impossible. Logically, you may reason that such control is possible, but how do you feel about it emotionally?
Once again we see that fear can create doubt, which in turn can prevent us from taking action. So any program designed to teach you to control your perception, would also need to show you how to change the way you channel negative, fearful energy. I use the term channel because energy is power, and it can be used for good or bad. It can serve us, or limit us.
Having someone suggest that you learn to view a situation as an opportunity instead of a catastrophe doesn't really help much, does it? Being told that you should be in control of your own emotions (including fear) is a lot different than actually having someone teach you how to exercise that control.
Learning the necessary life skillsAll too often, those who are looking for real help in this area, only receive bits and pieces. That is simply not enough to really make a difference.
It's a challenging prospect to transform the quality of your life. Those who are willing to take on this challenge deserve more than partial information and abstract concepts.